Saturday, April 16, 2011

Foto Friday ~ Pets!

This weeks theme was Pets! Well, I have 2.

Here is one of our chickens. Yes, they are our pets as well as our food source (eggs only!) They are so fun to watch. The kids adore them!

And our rooster. He's really mean but oh so pretty!

Lastly here is our outdoor kitty. His name is Cookie. He is the sweetest thing.

If you wanna see some more great pet photos, Click below!

Foto Friday Challenge

1 comment:

  1. It is the day before THIS weeks' photo Friday and I am just now getting around to commenting on LAST weeks contributions. oooooopppppppppppssssssssssss.

    We had a mean rooster. His name was Johnny Cash. He would seek out my daughter and chase after her, even if she was just getting into the van. We butchered him and now refer to him as 'the LATE Johnny Cash.' Fitting, no?

    Hope to see you again TOMORROW! ;-)
