Friday, June 11, 2010


Foto Friday Challenge

Favorites! That's this weeks theme for Foto Friday! Check it out at

#1 My 6 year old. We were at a children's museum in Boston, MA. They had a face painting booth set up for the kids to do it yourself. Lots of fun.
#2 My 18 month old as a newborn.

#3 My survivor. Just as her hair was coming in nicely after the chemo. She was so proud of her new hair!

#4 4 of my kiddos being sweet. We were walking in the "road" and I told them to hold hands in the road. It was so cute I had to snap a picture.

I hope you enjoyed some of my favorites. I hate that this is the last Foto Friday. I will miss it. I enjoyed the few challenges I was able to participate in. Thanks Rebecca for hosting this! Enjoy your break!


  1. They are all such precious pictures. i really love the last one. I think that type of picture is so memorable.

  2. I really love the one of your children walking in the road.. colors and just the sweetness of it.

  3. I loved your survivor..What a life she has already had and she is so young! She is absolutely stunning :)

  4. I love the girls dresses in the last picture! Did you make them?

  5. As a childhood cancer survivor, I love the one of your daughter. She's beautiful!

  6. The sleeping baby is my favorite!

  7. How can I pick just one? They are all just lovely -- each one draws me for a different reason.

  8. The third and the last, I can't decide between the two!

  9. that top photo is amazing. REALLY.
