Friday, March 18, 2011

Foto Friday a little late!

It's been a couple of weeks since I participated in Foto Friday. It's been crazy around here. This week's theme was
GREEN. Well, with the week we've had I could not get creative. Here is one reason why.....

I am sure you are not
"green" with envy. We had the chicken pox this week. 4 out of 7 had them. This is 3 year old. She was the worst.

We also had 2 birthdays this week!Here is my 9 year old. Celebrating her 2nd birthday after having a bone marrow transplant. We are so thankful to have her here and to celebrate her birth. What a joy she is.
You can see a little green on the ground. It was 81 degrees here today! Lovely weather.

For more great pictures and foto friday fun, head over to Rebecca's. Click below!
Foto Friday Challenge


  1. Awww, poor thing! I do not envy you. What a blessing you have in your older daughter!

  2. Poor girl! I don't remember ever having the chicken pox, but I imagine it isn't very fun!

  3. awww. Poor girl. . . definetely not green with envy here! I remember getting the chicken pox as a teenager - not fun in the least.
    What a great anniversary to celebrate with your other daughter! Congratulations!

  4. So sorry! I guess the good thing is that they are getting it "over with". Take care, I feel for you!

  5. :( Oh boy!! She looks pretty happy for being so itchy! She is so sweet!

  6. Poor kiddo..I am definately not green! That second shot is so pretty :)
